1-1/2 pounds turbinado sugar
2 ounces lemon juice
Get your honkin' boiling water canning pot boiling. Wash your canning jars & lids. I recommend new canning jars & canning lids for best results. After washing, I put my sterile canning jars into the oven - laying down on their sides - at 225 degrees F. They stay there 'til I'm ready to fill 'em. Yes, most of the time I do remember to use hot pads to take them out ;)
Rinse strawberries in cool water. Remove caps. Weigh out four pounds. Puree with lemon juice. Put liquids in large stainless steel pot (I use my 4-1/2 quart Revere Ware soup pot). Add sugar. Stir thoroughly. Bring to boil - boil for five minutes.
Remember to use your hot pads to protect your fingers & hands when working with hot stuff!
Ladle extremely hot strawberry syrup carefully into extremely hot sterile canning jars (I leave just over 1/4" head space since this is in the jam/jelly/syrup category), wipe rims, add two-part canning lids. Very carefully put in canning rack that's hovering over boiling water in honkin' boiling water canning pot. Once rack is full, carefully lower into the boiling water. Make sure there's at least a couple of inches of water over the jar lids. Put canning lid pot on. Once the water returns to a good boil, set timer for 20 minutes. Turn off heat & remove lid.
My Ball Blue Book says to use a jar lifter to remove the jars from the canner and set them on a towel to cool.
I have had successful results using my long handled wooden spoons to get my canning rack handles above the boiling water & lifting the rack so that it can sit on the rim of the canner for a moment. Then, with my hands & fingers protected in my hot pads, I carry the full canning rack of extremely hot jars over to my towel-covered area & lift jars one by one onto the towel. Then I place another clean dry towel over the jars. Then the glorious sounds: pop, pop, pop. Those are the lids sealing. I love those sounds!

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